Thriving Connections

Thriving Connections provides support by making the personal and community connections that are important for successful life change.

Supporting Individuals and Building Community

A Thriving Connections Ship is a supportive friendship across class lines, made up of one Captain who is living on a low-income and three or four Allies who are living on a middle-class income. A Ship typically meets once or twice a month to work toward achieving the Captain's plans for moving out of poverty.

About Thriving Connections

Thriving Connections builds on the power of relationships to bring people together for change. A local Guiding Coalition provides the framework to increase the emotional and financial stability of participating families and reduce their use of welfare benefits. Just as importantly, Thriving Connections brings the experience of poverty into the hearts and minds of community members and leaders, taking us one step closer to a national commitment to end poverty.

How it Works

Thriving Connections Captains and Allies are matched by their talents and interests and are each asked to make an 18 month commitment. Everyone is expected to meet with his or her Ship at least once a month. In addition, Captains are asked to attend the weekly Community Meeting. Children's programming and dinner are provided during this time. It is the connection formed during these meetings with Allies and other Captains that builds respect and understanding, linking people together to end poverty one family at a time.

Contact Us

For more information contact:

Jozlynn Graves - Thriving Connections Manager | | (812) 339-3447

"We believe that all people need sufficient relationships, money, and meaning in their lives to thrive."


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Thriving Connections Captains

Thriving Connections Captains are individuals or families who are motivated to get out of poverty. The Captain is in charge of creating his or her own plan to increase their financial, professional, and social resources to move out of poverty. The Captain will teach his or her Ally about the experience of poverty. Captains are comfortable participating in groups and have a willingness to accept support from others, especially Thriving Connections Allies.

Potential Captains participate in a one-might-a-week training for 24 weeks. Training participants study poverty and discuss and share their experiences surviving without adequate resources. They identify strengths and set goals to build financial, professional, and social resources in their own lives. Children's programming and meals are provided free of charge.

TC8 Waitlist

"As a community built on intentional friendships, and because we believe that the only way to respect each other is to know each other, Thriving Connections commits to be a diverse, equitable, and inclusive community. We work to ensure that everyone discovers tools that allow their creativity to thrive, feels empowered to share their story, promotes equitable data-driven decisions, develops the skills to advocate for a better world, and thrives in collaborative spaces with innovative ideas. We invite all to be involved in our fight against poverty regardless of labels or status and actively strive to ensure all feel welcome and safe."

Success Stories

Thriving Connections provides support by making the personal and community connections that are important for successful life change. Read some stories of the program's success.

Caldwell Family Success Story

Patience and Joe Caldwell are the super glue that binds participants in Thriving Connections into a tightly cohesive and supportive group of friends.

Read The story

Jennifer Lloyd Success Story

Jennifer Lloyd has faithfully served Thriving Connections in an unselfish and wonderfully loyal way.

Read the Story

Dickinson Family Success Story

One of the current Thriving Connections Allies, Marcus Dickinson, wrote this about his volunteer experience.

Read The Story

Grant Disclosure:This website is supported by Grant Number CS-025-021 from the Community Services Block Grant (CSBG) within the Administration for Children and Families, a division of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Neither the Administration for Children and Families nor any of its components operate, control, are responsible for, or necessarily endorse this website (including, without limitation, its content, technical infrastructure, and policies, and any services or tools provided). The opinions, findings, conclusions, and recommendations expressed are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Administration for Children and Families and the Community Services Block Grant (CSBG).